Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents


GitLab GitLab security update

GitLab has released a security update. Due to its severity SNT's instance will be upgraded immediately.

  • The upgrade has been completed

  • 2019-10-24

    GitLab GitLab upgrade

    A new version of GitLab has been released, so the SNT instance will be upgraded to this new version.


    GitLab GitLab security update

    GitLab has released a security update. Due to its severity SNT's instance will be upgraded immediately.


    Some services remained down after network disruption.

    At 12:50 CEST there was short but major network disruption. Most services continued to function after the disruption however, some remain down among which the cloud management web interface and cPanel.

    At 15:05 CEST all issues were resolved.


    Many SNT hosted services are down.

    About two thirds of all VMs hosted in the SNT cloud is currently down. Among the down VMs are many of SNT's services as well as some VMs from vcolo customers.

    Update 2019-08-29 18:21 CEST: all services should be operational


    GitLab GitLab security update

    GitLab has released a security update. Due to its severity SNT's instance will be upgraded immediately.


    GitLab GitLab upgrade issues

    Some components, like pipelines (CI/CD), do not work after the upgrade. We're looking into it.

    Update 2019-01-11 11:32: The outage was caused by a failed database migration. This, in turn, was caused by the upgraded Redis daemon listening on a different UNIX socket. The latter was resolved quickly after the GitLab update to 11.5, but the former was not spotted due to the large amount of output produced by the GitLab upgrade.


    GitLab runners CI outage

    Because of some unforeseen problems encountered when migrating some internal systems, the Gitlab Runners are currently offline. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible.

    Update 23:10 - the incident has been revolved.